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Top 3 Women in Blockchain Industry

While blockchain technology is still in an embryonic stage, women are beginning to appear on the front lines.

In 2013, four out of five of the largest American banks had no female executives. But that same year, the first Bitcoin was mined by a woman named Jane Austen. Since then, more and more women have found themselves at the intersection of tech and finance. There are an estimated 12.5 million fewer women in computer science jobs and 2 million fewer women in STEM-related jobs. There would be if the gender gap in these fields was closed.

The blockchain industry is still a male-dominated industry, with men comprising anywhere between 85% to 95% of the industry. However, women are slowly making their way into this space. And we’ve compiled a list of the top 3 women in the blockchain industry who are making huge waves.


Wendy Henry

Wendy Henry is a name frequently seen in the headlines of tech news. She is a Managing Director and GPS Blockchain Lead at Deloitte. One of the Big Four accounting organizations and a leading financial consulting firm. 

Wendy has decades-long industry experience which makes her a highly valued employee at the company. Throughout 15 years working in technology and FinTech, Wendy Henry has acquired a profound understanding of emerging technology and successfully utilizes it. Her knowledge to achieve a strong business value. 

As one of the most successful women in tech. Wendy’s goal is to help her clients with blockchain implementation and guide them to capture value using blockchain. 

Rebeca Liao

Rebeca Liao is a vivid example of business excellence. She’s a dominant player in the blockchain industry and is paving an extraordinary way for her female colleagues worldwide. She is a co-founder, as well as the Chief Executive Officer at Skuchain. But above all Liao is an unprecedented blockchain expert. 

Her company, Skuchain is one of the rapidly advancing blockchain enterprises aimed at providing end-to-end supply chain management along with profound trade management solutions. 

Rebecca has been awarded the title of Tech Pioneer of the World Economic Forum in 2019. Which is an honor rarely achieved by women in tech. However, she had to go a long way before reaching the doors of the blockchain realm. She served as a Business Development Director at Globality. She was a foreign policy advisor in 2016 to Hilary Clinton’s presidential campaign. And contributed frequently to the New York Times, The Atlantic and Financial Times. 

Leanne Kemp

She is a blockchain expert appearing on the list of the world’s top 50 women in tech and Europe’s top 50 women in the Tech in 2018 according to Forbes. Leanne is the founder and CEO of Everleder, a technology company offering solutions for blockchain, AI, IoT and other secure technological services. 

She is a pioneer in achieving exceptional transparency across global supply chains through using blockchain for tracking the provenance of high-value assets.Together with her company. Leanne is fighting for the security of insurers, claimants, and other stakeholders and proves to be quite successful in that. 

She has numerous achievements both in terms of career success as a leading woman in the blockchain industry and as an honorary member and title-holder for many nominations. She was holding a position of Queensland Chief Entrepreneur from 2018-2020 and has been named among the 26 coolest women in UK Tech and Top 30 female innovators.

Final Thoughts

The blockchain industry is male-dominated. However, there are many women who are pushing the boundaries and proving that they can stay in the industry while making strides in both the technical and non-technical aspects of the blockchain world. These women are some of the most influential people in the sphere and are paving the way for other women to be taken more seriously in the industry.

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