In a recent interview with the Financial Times, Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, shed light on the swirling rumors around the company’s Initial Public Offering (IPO) and its market valuation. With investors valuing the company at over $30 billion, Telegram’s growth trajectory and financial health have become a hot topic in the tech and investment worlds.
Telegram’s Growing User Base and Revenue
Over the past three years, Telegram’s user base has surged by 400 million, demonstrating the platform’s increasing popularity and reach. This growth, coupled with the successful launch of advertising within the app, has significantly boosted the company’s revenues to hundreds of millions of dollars. Durov highlighted this financial growth as a pivotal factor in achieving a potential market valuation exceeding $30 billion.
The Pursuit of Independence
Despite the impressive valuation and investor interest, Durov has ruled out selling the company. He emphasized the core motivation behind monetizing the platform: maintaining Telegram’s independence. “The main reason we started monetization was to preserve our independence,” Durov stated, suggesting that an IPO could democratize access to Telegram’s value.
IPO Plans and AI Integration
Sources close to the matter revealed that Telegram is preparing for a U.S. IPO, slated to occur once the company reaches a stable high-profit margin, expected around 2024-2025. While Durov refrained from commenting on specific details, he acknowledged exploring various options for the company’s future.
In addition to IPO preparations, Telegram is exploring the implementation of AI-based chatbots, a move that aligns with current technological trends. However, Durov assured that content moderation on the platform would be strengthened without compromising the app’s foundational principle of free expression. “I don’t think we should control people in how they express their thoughts. I believe in the competition of ideas,” Durov commented, indicating his stance against authoritarian control over user content.
Potential IPO Venues and Revenue Sharing
Although an IPO was considered as early as 2023, with both the U.S. and Hong Kong as potential venues, a leaked presentation from “BKS Broker” in October 2023 suggested imminent plans for Telegram to enter the stock market. This development, along with the announcement that Telegram channel owners would share in ad revenue through Toncoin (TON), points to Telegram’s strategic financial planning and commitment to rewarding its content creators.
Conclusion: A New Chapter for Telegram
Pavel Durov’s insights into Telegram’s market valuation, IPO preparations, and future plans signal a new chapter for the messaging app. As the platform navigates growth, monetization, and potential public listing, Telegram remains committed to its users’ freedom of expression and the democratization of its value. With a focus on AI integration and content moderation, Telegram is poised to enhance its services while maintaining its core principles, setting the stage for its continued success in the tech industry.