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Education is a human right and a public responsibility

On the International Day Of Education occasion proclaimed on 24 January by the United Nations, H.R.H.Prince Nereides Antonio Giamundo de Bourbon, cultural diplomat and. Entrepreneur announced the official partnership between the Nereides de Bourbon Group (nereidesdebourbongroup.com) and LutinX Inc. (lutinx.com), with its CEO Mr. Alessandro Civati, disclosing a disruptive project. To ensure access to education and more job opportunities for everyone through an innovative technology and engine implemented with the Blockchain for Education Platform developed by LutinX.

Prince Nereides is known to the international press for his commitment to international cultural diplomacy. For his mind-boggling investments in various business sectors from finance to luxury goods. But also for his philanthropic engagement through the Nereides de Bourbon Foundation. And the diplomatic club that bears his name, the Nereides Club – International Cultural Diplomacy Corporation.

In a period of the global pandemic, Prince Nereides extended his investments to biotechnology research exploring new markets against global trends. Last July 2021, he presented the result of his research, carried out by a team of scientists. At the Nereides de Bourbon Group, on the occasion of the CC Forum, which took place at the Méridien Beach Hotel in Monte-Carlo.

The latest project of Prince Nereides is named NDB OPERA. It is a social impact revolution for education and labor migration control. Above all, the NDB OPERA initiative is an innovative and unique leading project for access to free education. And a concrete solution for the management of economic immigration coming from the private sector. And with the institutional support of the NEREIDES CLUB. Together with selected international partners, named NDB Ambassadors and NDB Angels. Prince Nereides has conceived a comprehensive program of free courses from advanced language training to the study of civic education. Including in-depth courses for a few professions in severe shortage. Healthcare, logistics, agricultural, construction, engineering, pharmaceutical, and more sectors.

Nereides de Bourbon Group & Lutinx Inc for International development

“I treasure the education I received from my parents. I own who I am today to it. I strongly believe that education is a human right and a public responsibility. Education is essential in empowering people and in refining socio-economic self-affirmation. We are living in an unprecedent period for humanity, and education is no longer an option.”

The transition from blackboard to smart board gives us new opportunities to satisfy the growing demand of students. And workers to create a learning environment where everything connects.

Through the latest partnership with LutinX, at the Nereides de Bourbon Group we aim to define a new education standard. The use of the blockchain in the field of education has multiple advantages. For the different players involved such as students, institutions, and companies.

For students, they can access to remote educational programs everywhere. And no longer need to store their degree in a safe place. The blockchain technology provides permanent access to courses without having to keep a physical certificate at any time. A simple link is enough for students to prove their potential future employer. Their level of education as well as their acquired skills: no more endless administrative procedures. To get a duplicate and the certificate is internationally reliable. It is an updated ‘personal kit’ that can be carried and consulted wherever the person is in the world.

This provides “students” with a lifetime of online certificates with probative value which is even more valuable for labour migrants. Blockchain gives students ownership of their personal records, allowing them to control their academic identity. This makes proving the accuracy of the credentials and gives them more control over what an employer or a job hunter can access. Data verification also guarantees greater meritocracy. In the selection of candidates for a job vacancy and considerably reduces the risk of corruption, especially in the case of public examinations.

For “Institutions”, the use of this technology offers a significant benefit in terms of secure and durable storage. With tens of thousands of graduates each, schools of higher and secondary education are often facing the issue of the retention of documents and diplomas issued. In addition, this solution concerns the viability of these diplomas in case of incidents such as computer failure, data loss, etc. As the blockchains are decentralized, data retention is independent of a school’s traditional management or backup system. For companies, authentication of diplomas can be a real headache for corporate recruiters. In an increasingly competitive job market, fraud with false diplomas and approximations during interviews still account for a large proportion of applications.

The blockchain is a simple and direct tool for HR departments to ensure the authentication and tamper-proofing of diplomas. Coming to the NDB OPERA platform, we are using the blockchain technology to recruit and train our candidates, providing identity and skill’s verification services, certifying educational and professional trainings, and securing work agreements through a strict online process. In addition to it, our partnership with Lutinx consistently improved the transparency and safety of the NDB OPERA labour recruitment protocol aimed to control economic immigration flows. It is a very difficult project, since the global trend of governments is that of enforcing immigration flow restrictions or drastically reducing the number of visas issued for migrants.

Nowadays, a specter haunts Europe: the fear of migration. A fear fuelled by multiple political forces that managed to establish a negative narrative towards migration in public opinion all around Europe and affecting the decision-making process. So far, many states fuelled by this narrative have not been able to take effective solidarity measures in the field of immigration, or even worse, they took sides against immigrant reception policies.

The widespread anti-migration discourse and, the policies based on it, reveal a systematic violation of human rights, and it is in contrast with the values of equality, freedom and unity in diversity, on which our Union is based. The NDB OPERA educational and labour migration recruitment project ensures the creation of a controlled humanitarian corridor for European and nonEU citizens, and a real solution to illegal immigration.

The NDB OPERA platform, made of an innovative blockchain technology through a biometric data detection system, secures data digitization, transparency and traceability of migratory flows, contributes to the workers’ skills certification process and the validity of diplomas abroad, increases culture and prevents human trafficking, terrorism and middlemen’s slavery.

In our case, education and labour migration are strongly connected. If you give a person all necessary tools to carry out a qualified activity, you give him a job and a house, and you ensure him professional and cultural trainings, you do good for him, for the employer, for his/her family which has remained in the country of origin, but you also contributes to the socio-cultural and economic development of the destination country. In particular, regarding the standard and the ethics of the project, Prince Nereides developed the NDB OPERA protocol together with Elettra Gallo, Lawyer of United Nations.

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