Ernest Cline, renowned as the author of the widely popular novel “Ready Player One,” and Dan Farah, the producer behind Steven Spielberg’s film adaptation of the story, are venturing into the metaverse landscape with an ambitious project. In collaboration with Futureverse, an artificial intelligence (AI) and metaverse company, Cline and Farah are co-founding Readyverse Studios. This collaboration aims to give life to the “Readyverse,” described as a dynamic platform of interconnected digital experiences.
In a strategic move, Futureverse has partnered with Warner Bros. Discovery to exclusively introduce the Ready Player One franchise to the metaverse and extend its reach across the evolving realm of Web3. The collaboration ensures that Readyverse Studios retains exclusive Web3 rights to all future intellectual property (IP) stemming from the creative mind of Ernest Cline.
As part of this transformative initiative, Readyverse Studios has initiated conversations with major studios and intellectual property rights holders to explore potential collaborations within the Readyverse metaverse. This signals a significant shift in the entertainment industry as it continues to embrace and expand into the burgeoning metaverse space.
The Readyverse, according to Futureverse, is not merely a digital environment but a platform that champions the principles of the open metaverse. These principles include a commitment to interoperability, enhanced security measures, decentralization, community-owned infrastructure, and the establishment of provable digital ownership. As the metaverse becomes an increasingly explored frontier, this venture holds the promise of redefining digital entertainment experiences and shaping the future of interactive storytelling.