Getting your first customer is difficult already. You don’t need to compound it by inventing a new marketing strategy. Early in the journey of most startups, founders find themselves struggling with the same problem- they are ready to show the world what they have built but have little budget for marketing.
Don’t Reinvent the Wheel
They find themselves in a dilemma and are torn between. If they spend their marketing budget poorly, they can’t get enough customers and their business is headed for the rocks. What’s the way out?
What many startups do at this point is to copy the creative marketing strategies they have seen successful startups use to generate initial traction. You might have read how Airbnb started by getting its first listings from craigslist. And also, how Dropbox gave additional storage to friends who referred others. These are great examples. But there’s one problem. Because they’re situational, they may not be applicable to all cases.
The Secret Growth Strategy
If you trying the growth hacks adopte by successful startups and it doesn’t work for your business, don’t be discourage. There’s a way out. There’s a growth hack that always works.
It might not be the most flamboyant, but it is effective. It would get you your first customers, and that’s what really matters. The strategy is call micro-targeting. Instead of advertising to a large and diverse audience, micro-targeting involves concentrating all your effort so it is prominently placed in front of a carefully selected group of potential buyers.
Why Micro-targeting?
By flooding that small group of consumers with ads, they will assume the company is bigger than what they see and it is a more established brand. This is the method that Wired used to get the word out. With micro-targeted ads to financial and marketing professionals, they started to see results.
Financial analysts were their target readers and began subscribing to the publication because they were seen as the most trusted and knowledgeable resource for learning about the emerging tech industry.
In the same vein, by constantly publishing adverts in front of marketing executives they assumed it had a large audience. The result was that, in spite of having just a fraction of the resources of their competitors, Wired became one of the most popular magazines worldwide.
If you are struggling to launch your startup and you need an effective growth hacking strategy, instead of wasting time researching tactics or borrowing tactics of established startups, I suggest you try micro-targeting.
Identify a small but highly valuable group of potential customers and use micro-targeting strategy to flood these people with adverts. With this you will get enough initial traction to start generating early revenues and this is very important. Eventually you will be able to reinvest your revenues to get a wider audience that will turn your brand into a household name.